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Tikhon Petrov
Tikhon Petrov

Teens Teasing

Conclusions: Weight teasing in adolescence predicts disordered eating behaviors at 5-year follow-up. The patterns of these associations differ by gender. Reducing teasing through educational interventions and policies may reduce the level of disordered eating behaviors among youths.

teens teasing

Their results showed that overweight pre-teens who endured weight-based criticism tended to judge their bodies more harshly and were less satisfied with their body sizes than students who weren't teased about their weight.

The effects of weight-based teasing were significant even when researchers removed the effects of students' BMI from their analysis in an attempt to separate the relative contributions of physical reality and children's social interactions to their body perceptions, Nelson said.

Researchers also found that teens who are bullied about their weight are more likely to become emotional eaters. Teen bullies often target peers' weight, but weight-based teasing can also occur at home.

The researchers found that teens who face insults about their weight not only may be upset at the time, they may face serious long-term consequences, including obesity as well as unhealthy dieting and eating habits.

The study involved nearly 1 800 adults. They were tracked for 15 years, from their teens into their early 30s. Men and women who were teased about their weight as teens were both about twice as likely to be obese in adulthood.

Women who were teased as teens were more likely to eat in response to stress and engage in other unhealthy weight-control measures as adults, the study found. They were also more likely to have a poor body image and were more likely to diet.

"Health professionals working with youth and families may have unique opportunities to assess youth for their experiences of weight-based teasing, educate parents about the damaging health consequences of teasing, and offer families resources to support children and help them cope with weight-based teasing using healthy, effective strategies," said study co-author Dianne Neumark-Sztainer.

The tween and teen years are rife with intense social challenges in school, friendships, sport, and other activities where instances of teasing, bullying, social exclusion, and marginalization are unfortunately all too common. Social media has only made this behavior easier and more insidious. Emotionally Resilient Tweens and Teens gives parents vital, proactive strategies to help build strong family relationships that foster trust and connection so that kids can be better prepared for the inevitable social challenges that life brings.

LUIS FERNANDO LLOSA is an award-winning Peruvian-American sportswriter, editor, speaker, investigative reporter, and youth sports consultant who has worked with kids and teens as a coach for twenty-five years. Llosa is the coauthor of Beyond Winning.

The best test for whether or not teasing is friendly is if the person on the receiving end finds it humorous and is laughing along. If the person being teased is not laughing, the teasing has fallen flat and an apology may be in order.

Bullying and teasing are not infrequent experiences among teens. Approximately 30% of teens report having been either bullies or victims of bullying :// While statistics on teasing are not available, it's reasonable to assume, based on experience, that almost every teen has probably experienced either teasing or bullying at some point in their lives.

So, what I have been asking myself during my frequent conversations with myself is the difference between teasing and bullying. Is teasing a source of affection and bullying a source of stress, depression and those nasty stomach pains? When we think of teasing, we think of individuals making fun of each other to some extent, maybe mildly and affectionately or ruthlessly and persistently. When we think of bullying, we conjure up images of teen girls gossiping about each other, spreading rumors, sending peers away from the lunch table or destroying reputations. We think of teen boys as mercilessly hurting each other physically and causing harm in a very clear and overt manner.

So, is the difference that teasing can be concealed and described as harmless whereas bullying is clearly harmful? The answer to this is not so clear. It's one thing when a teen girl teases her friend about her new crush. It is yet another matter when the teasing is relentless and the girl being teased is getting upset. So, does teasing turn into bullying based on how the individual being teased reacts? Perhaps. Or, is teasing based on the intention of the teaser? The answer is not clear. Speaking as a human being and as a clinical psychologist I have to tell all of the parents and teens out there that I would be happy to go through the rest of my life without being teased. Similarly, I would be delighted if teens and adults refrained from both teasing and sarcasm. I hate them both. I have never enjoyed teasing others and have never liked being teased. I know how quickly teasing can go from an easy moment to a dreadful sense of discomfort.

Perhaps, a Venn diagram might show the overlap between teasing and bullying but I don't want to use diagrams. I have a different suggestion. What about being direct and kind and honest with one another? Where did this teasing sort of communication come from anyway? Raising teens?Then don't tease them. You'll just be teaching them a form of communication that doesn't bring light into anyone's life. I say teasing is just too close to bullying to have any virtues. And, I am not simply just teasing here.

Please weigh in on this. Are any of you enjoying being teased? Do any of your teens' come home from school with a giant smile on their face after having experienced a delightful moment of being teased about a new haircut, bad grade or new outfit? Inquiring minds want to know and I'm tired of talking to myself about this issue. I think that we talk way too much about the impact of bullying and way too little about the impact of teasing.

"There's this school of thought that says [weight-based] teasing might have a motivating effect on youth," says study author Natasha Schvey, assistant professor of medical and clinical psychology at the Uniformed Services University. "This study shows that that's not only not true but that teasing might increase weight gain over time."

To assess the link between teasing and weight gain, the authors recruited 110 children and young teens (average age was about 12 years) who were either overweight themselves or who had two parents with overweight. Having parents with overweight classifies children as at risk for being affected by overweight or obesity later in life.

Schvey cautions that the study was observational and could not directly determine cause and effect. "But we can say weight-based teasing was significantly linked with weight gain over time," she says.

Puhl also notes that the finding that over 60% of kids with overweight in the study were bullied shows how common this is for youth. "What [this] is telling us is that we need to do a better job protecting adolescents from weight-based teasing," she says.

Jennifer Miller, who was at the zoo with her husband and two children that ill-fated Christmas afternoon, said she saw four young men at the big-cat grottos - and three of them were teasing the lions a short time before the tiger's bloody rampage that killed 17-year-old Carlos Sousa Jr.

There are many ways to undermine authority, and kids will use teasing and laughter to do just that, but parents have to recognize it and respond to it. Deal with it firmly and set limits on the teasing. When things are calm, tell them:

Some of the incidents described by participating teens included teasing or jokes about their physical appearance and more aggressive name-calling, the latter taking place much more often online. Across the board, however, these experiences almost always resulted in short-term depressive symptoms and thoughts.

The findings of this study were multi-layered. For one thing, it revealed that weight-based teasing is prevalent: Nearly two-thirds of the participants who were overweight had been teased for their size, and 1 in 5 participants whose weight was in a healthy range even experienced weight-based teasing, too. A separate study published earlier this year found that LGBTQ teens experience weight-based teasing at a higher rate than their non-LGBTQ peers, with upwards of 77 percent of obese LGBTQ teens reporting weight-based victimization. Over 50 percent of underweight LGBTQ had also reported being bullied for their weight.

Taunting teasing is designed to goad another person into a desired action -- sometimes applying pressure, sometimes as a challenge. Taunting teasing is intended to tempt or taunt the person teased into doing what the teaser wants. "What's the matter, don't you dare?"

Fun teasing expresses liking of someone by making light of some trait or peculiarity the person teased even kids them selves about. Fun teasing is friendly and intended to make the person teased feel accepted for how they are. "You'd even forget your own name!"

Mean teasing is very different. It attacks some point of sensitivity that the person teased is not happy to have criticized, something they are self-conscious or insecure about. Mean teasing is hostile and intended to injure the feelings of the person teased.

Mean teasing can be hurtful on a number of counts. You can be labeled by an insulting or hurtful term ("What a loser you are!") You can be put down with ridicule or sarcasm ("Why don't you give some of that extra weight away?") You can be unfavorably contrasted to the teaser or teasers ("You don't know that? You're so out of it!") You can be socially set apart ("We don't want a girlie guy around!")

In addition, the social context for mean teasing can make an enormous difference. To be teased by one person privately can feel like a personal attack or rejection. To be teased in front of others adds the risk of social embarassment because now the teasing is made public. And to be teased by multiple others can hurt worst of all because now one feels ganged up on. 041b061a72


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