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開明塾 予約サイト 塾長やましーグループ

公開·2 保護者様・生徒様及び講師
Tikhon Petrov
Tikhon Petrov

Download Tp-link Usb Printer Controller 'LINK'

Download the setup software TP-Link USB Printer Controller utility from our website: Go to Support ->Download Center, find your product model and click Utility on the next page, then you can select the USB Printer Controller Utility and download it.

download tp-link usb printer controller

Hello I have a new computer with Windows 10, but I can't use the printer because there's not the utility usb printer controller for windows. In the page of download center>Archer C20i there's only utility USB Printer Controller for MAC? Can someone help me? Thanx

Most printers require that you install the latest printer driver to help the printer work well. Your driver could also be damaged if you've experienced power outages, computer viruses, or other problems. If your printer isn't responding, downloading and installing the latest printer driver can often resolve these problems.


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