Iron Man 2 1080p Hindi
Former programming:1st and 10 2 Minute Drill Baseball 2Day BassCenter Battle of the Gridiron Stars Beg, Borrow & Deal Bonds on Bonds Bound for Glory The Bronx is Burning Cheap Seats Cold Pizza The Contender Dream Job ESPN Friday Night Fights ESPN Hollywood His & Hers I'd Do Anything Intentional Talk2 Jim Rome is Burning Knight School Madden Nation Mike & Mike MLS ExtraTime MLS Primetime Thursday MLS Soccer Saturday MMA Live NASCAR Countdown NASCAR Now NFL 32 NHL 2Night Nine for IX Olbermann Playmakers Quite Frankly with Stephen A. Smith RPM 2Night SC6 with Michael and Jemele SpeedWeek SportsNight The Sports Reporters Stump the Schwab Sunday Night Football Talk2 Tilt Upscripted with Chris Connelly Up Close Winners Bracket
Iron Man 2 1080p Hindi
wji1 iwmnuinwji vnyniiyiriin-2!--- -'!iI,ill1EHE DAILY APPEAL:TUESDAY KOHSnrO, OCTOBES 20. 1837.WEEKLY APPEAL.Oar We-ext of To-xoBrmr will be a mostIt trill contain sll theut.R--.s e-r a. . ...cwrent Intellfeente lu reference to the present, b . I .monetary derangement, and our sl sm.-Btof miscellaneous matter, Iscloding-TalyaWereligions intelligence. Besides, tbe reader willfind an extract from President Bnchtnan'aspeech in the United Sats' Senate in the year1848, in which he gives his news In foil eta-the question of Banks ; an article from Hunt'sMagazine on the subject of banking; Proceedings of the Tennessee Legislature Proceed-1ingi of a meeting of the citizens of Memphis with regard to monetary matters, and thereport made by a committee appointed at saidmeeting; Gen. Pillow's Reply to Gen. Scott ;-War is India ; Statements" made of the condition of the Bink of Tennessee and the Plan-ters Bank; DeSCripUon Of the Fair Groundnear this CUv: local news. Miseiesloni andfx ' - -Arkansas Items, telegraphic reports, marketste. Ktce ot we Kiy j ayear.oriencenU per ccpy. Stagle copies may be pnrrcnasea at oar counting room as usual,("Ste advertisement of lost shiwl In an-' v ,othercoUmn., Conicii Council meets this evening'.iwhen' business of interest and importance is expeitei. ,to be acted upon.The City The city has now aCriminal- Court in session; two theatres in f ul operation,- and several warraoasee full ot cotton Dales.Oar thanks are de to H. H. Camp-. iJseix, cleik ot the Keu Udt Sim ; to TheoJcdoc of the f-y Bullitt, and the Adams'w- .over the Memphis aad Charleston Road, bypaying fare one way.SAM. TATE, Prttidtut.fH f The protracted meeting at the Chris-llan Church is still progressing. We are in-i 1 a . a . . p L - a 1 A a: 1" 3"-den McCali.people.and Holmes will address theCatholic Fair A note, from "The tLa-dfes" informs us that the fair at the OJd Fellows' HaH will be continued during this evening. To-ntgtit a splendid sup-ner-wiH be nrenared. The occasion will be amost agreeable one. ,Tae Ccxtxal Illinois That hisxriil-lroad is still in the full tide of ior ute papere. , b-rg up niinejg. jj0 improvement In bssi-llie members of the Memphis Confer- nss about the landing; everything in that loence, wHl be passed to and from Conference cality appears as dull as itcaaweUget to be.sUndtBg reports to the contrary, is avident by.JVd for he"New Orleans trade. She is heinerl Af--. ta -till ..111--ti-V.t. I bnilt for-fit nt. llan. Hnller. tt r.ll K- U1U 't. ...W i. ..... ..Av. .. . ... n...i a n ,. --it. JII IMKI lie- Ult lm.ubow iub uuoujuw u .--.. - 1cf cars. It -rt.- u ... a;...aKe 1yesterday to twenty individuals, whom folly,-"-"- t-c ---" -""C""-" J - 1vire. or rn isFortnBe nan lBtrooscea JO OJSTPro-1, .fefalonal notice. -Eieht of them 'wereTrtn-iv !ICULCU 111a WUUftUlllH.MH --, .-". 1the present nnmber-of boarders at that estab-Iishme-t sixteen.Ikotjest. The dead body of a man waa- 'found yesterday near the stern of the steam'boat Sihraika. now lying at the levee. Esq"Walo-ok held an inquest over the rcmiins in jUt aUerBOos. f rem wt dress and appearancef the deceased, K was sappesed tbt he hadiota a deck passenger en same steamboat.Missikg. Doctor Anceb, heretofore wellioti in this city as a prc-fesse-r of music, hasbeen alssiag since the night ef Sneday thelllh inrt. He was seen last at th Turners' HaK. His friends have no clue ta the cause ofhis disappearance, and are a pray to ihe mostserious apprehension.Gck. Fostc's ADOBEM.-Owisig to tbe factthat Odd FeHow'n Hail bad bees previously engaged for the Catbejic' Fair, Gen. Footx didnot ad4ress ear cftizest at that place, laatnight i reepotSe to their flattering invitationto do ss. He wiH, bow ever, speak to-riigbt atJExrhance B-Mioe, and bis world-wide repii-- tatiso as an erator wtM secure for him a largeau-fenee.MitstsHrri Lecis-atobj. We wers "favored wMh visits yesterday frem Ren, J. E. TaliArxsas, member elect to the Legislature fromTallahatchie ce-trty, and Col. Nobf-eet, refcently elected frem the. county of Marshall.They are both democrats of the "strictestsect," and most agreeable and well informedgentlemen. !.Fiise 'Whips. We saw ihree fine geld andsliver mounted whips yesterday at the SaddleryicstabKsbment of our fries- W. P. Lewis, onMain street, which he intends giving tbe bestlady and gentleman equestrian, and also for- the bert horse and buggy driven single at theShelby county Agricultural Fair, which commences to-day.The Fa ib. Tbe tea acres of ground onwhich the Shelby coshty Fair is to be held,- will be opened for the exhibition ef "objects cfinterest," at 9 o'clock this morning. At 10the inaugural address will be delivered by Col.Pore. The grounds have been put in b: autif ulorder, and every possible attraction and convenience addd that can cesduce to ihe comfort. and enjoyment of visitors. The railway carswiH run at freque-t intervals during tbe day.Personal. We had the pleasure of meetlrgyesterday, Hon. Jko. L. Robinson, of Indiana,'late a member of Congress from Indiana, andone of the most efficient advocates on tbe hustings of Bbchakan and Bbeceinbidge duringxthe late Presidential canvass. Mr. Robinson iscow a candidate for Clerk of tbe House ofRepresentatives, and so well .pleased are wewith bis antecedents and bearii.g that, were hea member of the House, we should be stronglyincHaed to cast one vote for him against allwho may enter the lists as -competitors.- Procediags of the Merc-ntUs Committee.The Mercantile Committee met at the Commercial Hotel, in this city, last evening at 7o'clock, pursuant to adjournment. J. II. A.IiOWSes, President, called the meeting to or-. der, and announced that tbe meeting was readyto receiva the report of tbe committees cf five,as appelated by the Committee on Saturdayevening last; whereupon, C. C. Cleaves, aschairman of that committee, begged leave toreport tbe following as the result of the deliberations of the Committee of Five:ifeaclrtd. That this Committee, animated bya desire to carry out the wishes of the citizens'tneetiBg, find themselves practically able toexert themselves favorably at far as the Banksof tbeir own 3'ate are concerned, nut We. difference in standard, the variety of localities,and the complication of circumstances whichsurround the foreign circulation of this city,render the task of setting a reliable value 10eaeb issue, herculean in ita extent, impracticable in its operations, and unreliable in effect;and, therefore, as far as this Committee is concerned, mutt heleft to regulate itself.JUioited, That the Secretary of this Com ;mittee be instructed to correspond with theCashiers of such Free Banks as we have recommended our community to take at par,and to learn positively from such Cashiers,whether or net they can and will promptly exchange their issues whb our citizens for notescurrent or bankable with oar Stock and FreeJianks here; and that our Secretary publishthe correspondence in the ptpert,at the earliestpossible day.On motion, the report of the Commit! ee wasreceived, adopted and ordered to be publishedin the city papers.- J. a A. LOWNES, PntidnLJesse M. Tate, Semtary.Fur faie .uir.ICfl BARllELS Smilh'a celebrated Pltttbrgh Alt,XnjXJ and (turaateed good.H U. POTTER, Kals atreet,oct3 Third d-er north of Wortham Hooaa..WANTED,TWO CABIKZT MAKERS that -odmtand boxing far--tareOoodwiget wtobecleea ataecS-tf KC-IKKETfcCO.'S.t'aiuig auu uiis.A LARGR anpply ef all kisdi jatt recti red aad for-TV. tale ey1TARD l JOS'X.tepSOS Maln-at.100 Wood Choppers.WAXTED Immediately, Oae Han dred ateady men, toSt'1-t below Memphis; crnttant empcyment and f aR wages will be paid Apply toC POTTER,Front Row. Kempbia, er totep-tto JA O KcMAKfTS.FIXE TEAS!A LARGR aatoetment, parduued before he late riteXX tn T.aa, f or a tie eery Mt whnWtle or retail, byB. F. FARNSWORTH la CO ,Ko. "I Front Bow.Jt2SilET-ROPOIilTANRESTAURANT,OPPOSITE ODD FELLOWS' HALL.TBE FroprVtora of thltg -eitibiithmeBtw--all asnoroeeULCi Ithat their RESTAUR CUT UlfrQcow open fir the tettoa. wfF-tESII OISTEttS AXD FISHfrom Jfew Orlean and Cb tries ton wat beALWAYS ON HAND,and ere ytbtrg the rartet afSrrdt, aerred Bp at thI aLcrtett otiee..alvoaiV Passengers-wiD tai lbh-.a op a!5 n'cl ick A a ior their ax.-i etaadatlon. OLIOEW-LL St POLLOCXURejpe and TwiRe.JUST XE8EIT0. per ataatatrs B. ClC-aoo andfSocthemer : v- 600 exjih V-it Jf actio. Rtp I .S0acolaandhatfKIsBaBdEc7i-, - -to balet aapertor TwtnejTor aUs low ta Ibe trade bySOUOIIEEIT A ATDLXTT.i7I BaskArecst.Hirer Jttallere.The weather wse, plooray a ad riiF yeiterS7, -with a doll leree and the withoutany cbanee worthy of note.The JTsle iYiibM, after-being newly painted and tint In rnmnlete order, lookin? tlrht.t-j ,. r.iJI. v --,1- T,,t,r., . ' ' ,I oay, a the NspoIeoffpidVel, and afterKiBBerjI J . . ,.started on-berrrgulsptrip.The splendid bo.t Sisjoa.s-AiTiVed fromNew Orleans on Sunday night ; she returns onWednesday.The AHtfe-w detaiasd, and did not getoft" last nightThs favorite White River packet Return,leaves for its usaal'portB to-morrow evenin;The following bts passed down the riversince our last report i -Tbyi .-, At tree mi,Paul Jentt, Pennsylvania, and JatWE. Woodruff. The following pasted up : The KtwUnde Sim, Fanny Bullitt, L. 1. Ktnnelt amiI it A. T. Lacty.At Pittsburg on Friday, the river stoo- two. . , . io.tnhnihttn fallte twentv-,..i..Zlooked for. ItI lour usuie. ana a erooa rise isn a,J0 Bt Vb-elir:T ,,. ,h. rirer waaalaw.f y ,wS.llag at the had ef the falls, with threeI feet five inches water in the cansl in the even-ine. Daring tbe previous twenly.four hours,the river bad risen Uiree inches equal to arise of six itches altogether at tbe bead ot Ibefalls. This would probably make sixteen oreighteeninches of a rise en the bar at Part-hai risen twenty inches, and was beginni.g torecede. a,Th St. Louis Ltadtr of the I6th reports 3to 3J feet on the principal bars us the Mis-anuri ? SI feat in th hnki.1 -f n.huan.MissisiaDi : and about 3 feet on theI - I" arrivals ana receipts itgDt.Boat bnildinc at Cincinnati this season Israttier slow wort, ublcb tbe present crisis infinancial acaire is maklne far worse and builders are compelled to ditrbarce tbeir hands.The Gazttlt says tbe Marine Rtiliray and D vuock Liompany employ aDout tov nanus, anaI t A a 1 a I I17 . r V -ror two mon'os. at least, xne uompanv navenow six boats on the scks. varvlr from 200toSOOtani canaeitr. One of 5B0 huiltrer Capt. Jonn Piewcomb, called the Grairfent. was launcned week before last.About twenty hamls were diarhareed on Sit-urclay, rrom tir boat-yard of Jobn Litberbury,leifTiuf; buic w ti nvit. wuu Mill an oe UIS-charged next week and tbe yard closer! for tbeprea'nt, in consilience of the lark ot demn df nr -Ar lr A f tfila v . il tnnnA " r ttiand nearly completed, a firtt diss freisbt atdnw.- ..- ... . H ..- .vuu Ull ... I- .III .P.iiaasenirer bjat. 01 iuuu toes burtben. 1H3 fee-in length, and 45 feet breadth of beam, luterid-I - 1 J-". .....launched next. week. In tbe boat-vard of S.ry,V., ' I- - kIU J :.vuaoout so Lands are now emptoyeri, 10 beingdiscbarred on Saturday. Moat of the forceoow employetr.will be conUu-d durine thewinter. TtievGrm nave now on lh iin.t. .winter. . iDe-wm tive row on tbe stocks a Iboaf toleede- fpr tbe aiissouri river, beingjiuut tor vpu a Daree ror uapt,a,v,: 1 .. -v.i. . . . 1I a"nc' A unB -tt tor tap a. jones.I to run in the New Orleans trade, was launchedI . . . r.-t- -v Oi IaiARniED,On tht 15th int-, at the retlieoce of Kr. B. T. WilHtml, near Pitherrfiie. br Sr. W. O. Laacatter. V r IN ALixAnd Ar J. Wiixiaus, of Inlepen-dente coanly, Arx.Qne Thousand Agents WantedBUSINESS ety, meta' and honorable, paylnx freaIS to $10 per day. Por partictflara, enrtree pottaietttmp ana aoarett w. p OOI-ISON,tepa-w2i- stateitnd. Qioettw etnnty. AflatCLOAKS,liiutlcs & Mantillas.- -TTTE bare UU a fine it ct ef thoee KJ0H SILT VKL-I V TKT CLOAKS, trimmed with Heavy Pilate orBoca Lace. Aho, a apr3dld article of ,OPERA DRESS CLOAKS,of HVmit CDhrt. made anl trimm-d in Ihe lateet etyleAl-o Chenille and ere y otber trie of Shawl.. Pre- cbOoakt, Ste . Ac e oik an eiamlaatlonof tb;ra before parchulse ejteth're.A. T. TTEIXS & BRO.octU-liwtwPianos, Melodeoas, Purniture,CARPETS, CURTAINS,SHADES, tcI HATE Jatt returned,with nt'ored health, rromfFmithe Xorth. where 1 hawtaken aoch palea 1b te- "lection sspertor tortmiit ef Pin Fattt re. prTH. Cnrtalr GocxU, Sh-i &c t wbtch I m now recriTLcjc - ofTeri-ictw wto p te farer meViU, mj er-et vub u w rarmsn gxn article t rf -nil5 prtceI ttr -crrM rTt'for c r wiNtLER, who wtttattend to all irdera far tnateic aed iifatri-it Ibi trtuoentand wak en thea wo fTr roe with a call. ,AllklMi of Kattreaea mae to or-rrU X OROSVEKOU, 9EROOKS & SAUADERS,WHO-' SAIX AXD BETAII. Z CALEBS INBOOTS AND SHOES.TTATK now in a'tore and tor tale, the larcettXX atock, he ett roodt. and the moat yai ledattortment rrer brent ht to thit a:yGentlemen's fntom-3Iade Boots,Frem the llieat Fr'nch Calf to the beaetrtt JfantAllonRoot. Aent'e Gtliera, hbth and low cat! Une CallFrench Patent Leather and Lattlns Shoea ol tbe lateeipaterta and etyt.Ladies', misses' and Children's Shoe?,Of every de-ciption, from the b t mannactn.'eranibe United StaUa. In abort, oar atock erabracee teevariety of EVtand:boea and rmprltea the matt exteattTeand dirextlfled ai tort men t la tbe Tal'ty 0(1 li pi. .We toll -It tie attention of Kerchaati, Dealers andCoatamera to oar ttoek.BROOES A SAOKDK-S,teoto-lm No SM.rWeH-cV Ifala-it . MtopbitIWsrro Bro;ans.1 O nOll PAIRS Xesro intiM jntt recelTer1i,UUU w'lrrasted three ao'et and tte beatBroxast made In tbe United States. AltD, a brary ttocoof Kaey and other Blanket, and Wool Hat, f nr atecToeewear. BROOKS at 8AUKDERS,errW-'n. Ve. If .rh wl- r-tSCHNEIDER &s CO.,. Xanafactnreri otEifle?, Pistols, and Shot Ghins,Jtffmo Street, ojpotile Commercial Hotel,mrni3, ,RUiUS thrnkt to their friend, and tbe pnbllcia seneral, f-rr tb-lr Hbera patronare for tbe lat twoyeara and to tnrernrthem that they keep on hand a largeaaaortmentof file ,Gun and Pistols,ot their own mansf "actare.ALSO:DEBBITTGER & COLT'S PISTOIiS,POWDER FLASCS, SHOT POUCQEr tNIVES,A-XUKiTIOK, srrc, rTC.CJ'rerk done to order and f Hy raarantled.CJ-A11 ktnli of BKPAIRISO-lone with ntatneie anddltr-ch.CJ-Ordert rrom the Ooentry rrom ptly attended to.tet-dawSmSugar and axolasses.OA nn"S UtolroBnciriOU 500 bbit. tarar Hoato Xt'ttteii, on eonrltn-nentjturfieaa w. BUWAKD H CO.oct-1iwtmHARD JTIMES!$r5,o.ooWORTH OF 1DRY G0QD.Sit cost ; mIK meainence of the bard llm'a and tcardty efXONET we are determined U ten enr ttoekAT COST FOR CASH ONLY.How is the time for Bargains atPOPE ti. BROTHERS,cctlS-dlm 315 Main ttrt-tMerjiphla. TeemIn Chancery at McmnlurTATErtFT3NX t RaHheMti- fh-Clerk'a11 c3)ce. Chaaeery Sin. of the cumnwn uw ani cua-c-ry C nrt at theUy of Vrmrhlt, on Monday, September? ISS7.WiaiamE. Ectler, Com p'.atnant,a.Q. jt Eejiowa and Jno. IT. Bopklna, Detendacta.It atneartnt from atSda Tit -led m tkl Icante, that tbedefrntjU Q. It. Bellowa and John IT. Bopkine; are Ban-retldentaM the sute 01 Tenaeeaet: 11 in erorrr- teatthee Co enter thetr appearance Beretr, before orwithin the Brtt .three dtia eribe nextMrrm ortaiaCot ft. to be hld 00 'he tenth Mo die in XorrmtW ,ext. (lcST,) and plead aatwer. ordemar oC-intalraBt'abill, or th' tame will be takm for c-Tafeatedt to lb-ra.order b-pabh-bed once a week for f erjr aaccett ye weeksla Ibe Xrmp-U apt.Aoo-y-attett: " JOHX C LANIER,0rk and MaarriByR. A- Pabiib, 3m, , D O AM.Jbo.X.Carmac-. aol farcomiJ't. tepla-ltwttTEOS.-J. HARE ISACCTIOX, C03I-IISSI0X,AKDlTLVt ES'TATTE RUOliEU277 MAIN'-ST., MEMPHIS, TENN.I AM IncaattaatrecetEtef conaicnmnite of ratchet,Jewe ty. Clocka, Fancy Geedi, Gknf and Fiitolt, AcAlto. Watch Material, rwhlch 1 can a II at iuic. Wt.than tbe naat trade prteet, whe!tale and rvtallTJ- Adtiac-t mtd-oei can- leoraeatt. aeplS-1yAdpinlfiratoVs XoTl