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開明塾 予約サイト 塾長やましーグループ

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Tikhon Petrov
Tikhon Petrov

Darabi Talks About Zady, Her Ethical Fashion Brand E-commerce Site \/\/FREE\\\\

As an employer, Zady seeks employment candidates who are energetic, motivated, and passionate about fashion, fashion sustainability, and ethical practices. This company seeks individuals who possess excellent communication, organization, time management, prioritization, and multi-tasking skills. In the past, In the past, Zady has supported work flexibility by hiring for jobs with both freelance and part-time flexibility.

Darabi talks about Zady, her ethical fashion brand e-commerce site

Master & Muse takes its cue from a boom in sustainable and conscious fashion e-commerce sites including the recently launched Zady, created by Foodspotting co-founder Soraya Darabi and Maxine Bérat (the creator of The Bootstrap Project, a craft and sustainability non-profit).

Yikes. Who are the major players in slow fashion?Zady, an e-commerce company, was founded in 2012 as a lifestyle destination for the conscious consumer. Its clothing and home-goods manufacturing processes are transparent, and many of the items sold on the site are handmade in the U.S. with local materials. Similar ethical brands include Pendleton, The Reformation and Study.

Having launched the luxury e-commerce site that quickly became an industry legend, Wilson speaks regularly, sharing stories ranging from launching a startup to building a brand, and navigating work-life balance.

Remember, though, that storytelling is not only about what you say, but also about what you do. Online retailer Zady, for example, is as concerned with creating quality articles and stories as it is with finding and sourcing the most beautiful products from around the world, Darabi explains, pointing to the company's lifestyle content section, Zady Features. "We commission professional journalists to write articles for us that don't necessarily push product," Darabi says. "It's our goal to define our brand over time with what we buy and sell, but also by creating stories our readers and shoppers can relate to." These lifestyle features focus around fashion, food, and travel, strengthening the message that Zady cares about international, sustainable goodness.

Secondly, scale the feedback process. Along with getting feedback through your personal efforts, place your story at every touchpoint of your business. "Our story is on our website, in our product, on all our social media outlets," Kogan says. "It is in the press coverage we get and part of how everyone in the company talks about Happier. We share it with our users after they register, right in the app and online. It is literally woven into our user experience."


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